
Acts 11:1-18
Fifth Sunday of Easter

 Pastor's sermon is based on Acts 11:1-18. The apostle Peter believed: “You are what you eat…and be careful with whom you eat.” Laws about food were clear in scripture. However, God gave Peter a new vision about what was clean and unclean through a dream he had at Joppa. When he awoke, the Risen Jesus Christ sent Peter to meet a Gentile army officer named Cornelius. Peter baptized Cornelius and ate with him. Peter ultimately realized that the vision and the voice in his dream were not so much about unclean animals or unclean food, as about unclean people. “Don’t call anything I have created: unclean,” said the voice of God. Nearly 2000 years have gone by. Thanks be to God and for the experience of Peter. Now, we too have been invited and included by God as baptized members of the Body of Christ.