
Luke 24:36b-48
Third Sunday of Easter

Pastor's sermon is based on the gospel reading from Luke 24:36b-48. On Easter evening, Jesus comes to his frightened, doubting disciples and bares his body to them, his hands, feet, and side. And then Jesus opens up the Holy Scriptures to them. He reminds them of God’s relationship to Israel in the stories of the Old Testament; the Law of Moses; the voice of the prophets, the wisdom of the psalms; and his own life, death, and resurrection. And then he says to the disciples, “Easter is up to you now. You disciples are the ones who will write the next chapter of my story. As I have given hands and feet to you, so you must use your hands and feet to serve others. My life will be revealed through you. You are my body now…the Body of Christ. Amen!