
Mark 1:21-28
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Pastor's sermon is based on the gospel reading of Mark 1:21-28. Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee, proclaiming the in-breaking Kingdom of God. The first public act by Jesus in Mark’s gospel occurs in the synagogue at Capernaum, when He teaches on the Sabbath. Jesus proclaims that the good news of repentance and forgiveness is bursting forth all around. The people of Galilee just can’t get enough. Wherever Jesus goes, they flock to hear what He is going to say.

As we 21st century Christians listen to the amazing Gospel stories in the Bible, we hear Jesus being revealed to us. It is awesome to hear how we fit into God’s story. We find that if Jesus is to mean anything to us, He is to mean everything to us. Jesus is not meant to be just another line on the resume of a well-rounded person. Jesus of Nazareth comes to us, not to be force-fed and shoe-horned into an otherwise unchanged life. But in some very real way, Jesus comes to destroy our old lives, and to rebuild us from the ground up.