Pastor's sermon is based on the gospel reading. So, what are we to make of this vision of sheep and goats being separated? Other parts of scripture assure us that we are saved by God’s grace through faith. The third chapter of John tells us: Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world, but to save it. So, as you hear this parable this morning, are your main questions: Am I going to Heaven? Will I be saved? Am I a sheep or a goat? If so, Matthew suggests that you’ve missed the point. And anyways, while you are listening to this sermon today, chances are, you’re less concerned about the End of the World than you are about the End of the Month. You probably want strength for the journey. Or perhaps just a nudge this morning, like a jolt from a spiritual cattle prod, that will help you get through this upcoming week. God calls us to trust Christ the King and to go about the business of providing food, drink, hospitality, clothing, and care for those in need. Amen.