
John 14:23-29
Sixth Sunday of Easter

Pastor's sermon is based on John 14:23-29. The Advocate is willing to dwell within us and continue to teach us and remind us of Jesus’ words. God wants to be our guest. A promise Jesus makes in today’s Gospel text is: “Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with them.” The Father and Son will come. And with them, the Holy Spirit will come. Unfortunately, our inside home may already be filled from floor to ceiling, cluttered by all manner of stuff which has collected there: preoccupations; attachments; and resentments that are crowding the space where God wants to be. Blessed are they who make room in their lives for the God, the Holy One who desires our company, our companionship, our listening, and our kindness. Amen!