Third Sunday in Lent

 Pastor’s sermon is based upon the gospel lesson of John 4:5-42.  The woman at the well can’t believe that this Jewish man talks to her, a Samaritan woman. She has the wrong gender; wrong race; wrong religion; messed up morals or just bad luck. And yet, Jesus initiates conversation with her, reaches toward her, and engages her. And it happens at a well! Jesus offers “living water” to her, despite any of her failures or sadness. And she runs all the way back home to tell people, “Come and see a man who has told me everything I’ve done! He can’t be the Messiah, can he?" Samaritan people then leave the city and want to meet Jesus for themselves. How odd it is to have this spouseless Samaritan woman become the very first preacher to tell everyone about Jesus!! And all she meant to do that day was to get a bucket of water!