
Matthew 5:1-12
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

 There is tension between the world’s set of values and the kingdom’s values. Jesus says: “Blessed are those who mourn. Do not resist an evildoer. When someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn and offer him your left. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Wow! Much of this sounds like a recipe for being a full-time “door mat” for the world. As Jesus begins his Sermon on the Mount, he speaks in the future tense. The whole new world he describes is not here yet, not in its fullness. There’s plenty of old world around for people to think that it’s the only world there is. And yet, every time we forgive, or do not return evil for evil, we show our citizenship in the kingdom of heaven. A little piece of the new reality becomes visible in you. Thanks be to God!